Live Love
no matter what
Satsang & retraites

Prajnaparamita is een spirituele gids
voor iedereen die verlangt naar innerlijke bevrijding
Haar onderricht verwijst naar het levende mysterie dat in een ieder sluimert. Hier – in het hart van het leven – rust alles volkomen in zichzelf. Er hoeft niets begrepen, gedaan of opgelost te worden. Het is de toewijding aan waarheid die het mysterie tot ontwaken brengt, waarmee je overspoeld wordt door bevrijdende vrede en onvoorwaardelijke liefde.
Het open geheim
rustend in het hart van het leven
wordt ontsluierd
wanneer jij niet langer wijkt.
~ Prajnaparamita ~

Live satsang
Van harte welkom bij een satsang avond, satsang dag of weekend in Nederland.

Satsang Retraite
Prajnaparamita geeft retraites in ‘La Roseraie de Sacha’ in het hart van Frankrijk.

Online Satsang
Neem deel aan de online satsangs. Live vanuit
‘La Roseraie de Sacha’.
February 19th, 2025
Beloved Sangha,
I write to you about ShantiMayi, my Master, a radiantly illuminated soul who carried the wisdom teachings of Sacha out of India, spreading the Light all over the world.
For a long time, ShantiMayi has not been well. Last month she had an operation on her hip. With the help of physiotherapy, determination and practice, little by little, she was getting better. However, other physical problems surfaced.
Last week it became obvious that her condition was serious.
Just last Thursday, a blood test showed that she had a very aggressive cancer.
She was brought to hospital. Her husband Indro, her family and dear ones embedded her in deep loving care.
All over the world her sangha was praying for her, chanting mantras, offering havans and ceremonies.
From all these, ShantiMayi was deeply touched, feeling great support and love.
Her situation deteriorated rapidly, however, and Sunday morning, ShantiMayi peacefully left her body.
Last night at La Roseraie de Sacha, we held an intimately sacred havan for her, filled with prayers, gratitude and deep love.
We honoured her life that was unceasingly dedicated to the awakening of our world, as is Sacha’s mission for countless centuries.
We all vividly felt her presence. It showed how true Lord Christ’s words are: “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be.”
Below, you can hear us singing Prabhu Ape Jago last night. As most of you know, this prominent mantra in the Sacha lineage is a powerful ancient plea for the awakening of all.
My life has been so graced by sitting at the Masters’ feet.
I am forever grateful to ShantiMayi, for her love, her presence, her blessings.
Satsang Video

Wonderment (Engels)
Wonderment is a collection of the precious non-dual teachings of Prajnaparamita presented beside images of her life, her masters, and life at her ashram, La Roseraie de Sacha. They evoke both the essence and the expression of awareness where all is seen in the light of freedom, where your very nature speaks the language of stillness and life is lived in gratitude and wonder.
Roaming through a sea of wild flowers
Morning’s dew glinting off ripening fruit
Sun shining from a horse’s back
Wonder is always close by.

Retraite weken
Er zijn vrijwel doorlopend retraite weken op La Roseraie, die beginnen altijd op zondag. Je kunt 1, 2, 3 weken blijven, of ook langer. Voor informatie en boekingen neem je contact op met Sjoerie.
Data van retraite weken en speciale retraites vind je hieronder.
Nieuwsgierig? Lees en bekijk meer over La Roseraie de Sacha.
Satsang & Retraite
Live satsang weekend
Live satsang avond
Live satsang avond
Retraites in Frankrijk
Online satsang
Qi Gong week
Online satsang
Shamanenweek met Roos
Online satsang
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