Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
Throughout all realms of experience
That essential nature illuminating existence,
is the Adorable One.
May all beings perceive through subtle and meditative intellect
the magnificent brilliance of enlightened awareness.
Descending the Gayatri Mantra
The practice of descending the mantra comes from the Shiva Purana, an ancient formula of intensifying the mantra a thousand to a thousand to a thousand to a thousand-fold for each mantra that you chant.
The Gayatri Mantra is recited in nines. So nine times, or a multiple of nine.
A full mala is 108 recitations. Mostly this mantra is recited in 4 times a recitation of 27.
If you like to descend the mantra, you need to do this step-by-step in the following order. The number of recitations is the same in all steps.
You can dedicate these powerful recitations to a specific cause or to the awakening of all.
This is not a chakra meditation. This is the pathway of the spoken word.
The spoken word begins in the solar plexus region. And every word that we speak, travels through our heart.
So either our heart energy expands and blossoms by the words that we speak, or the heart energy contracts and withers. By being aware of what you speak, you allow your heart to expand and blossom.
The first step is reciting the mantra by focusing all of your attention on the tip of the tongue. It is said that the mantra becomes a thousand times more potent than a normal recitation. During the recitation, you keep your attention on the tip of your tongue.
After the completion of the first step with 9, 18 or 27 recitations, rest in silence for a moment.
The next step is by going with your attention to the hollow of your throat. The mantras become a thousand times more potent than when you chant with your attention to the tip of the tongue.
During the recitation, you keep your attention on the hollow of your throat.
Again take a moment rest in silence.
Then you move to heart. And it is said that by focusing all of your attention to the heart space while chanting the mantra, the mantra becomes a thousand times more potent than by chanting with your focus on the hollow of your throat. During the recitations, you keep your attention on the heart space.
Take a moment rest, in silence.
For the last step you bring your attention in the solar plexus region.
By focusing your attention here, it is said that the mantra becomes a thousand times more potent than by reciting the mantra with the focus on the heart space. During the recitation, you keep your attention in the solar plexus region.
Now the Gayatri Mantra recitation is a billion times more powerful than a regular recitation.
Gently absorb the energy, take rest and sit in silence for a while.